This system was installed for the city of Kingston and will now
supply the children’s hub with renewable energy.
The monitoring platform has proven how successful the system has
been giving information to the council about the production and
consumption usage and the C02 savings. The building was perfect
providing a huge tilted clean roof space to the north with no
shading. We further utilised the roof space in front using tilt
Jol and Adrian first met working as apprentice
electricians over 15 years ago.
Early in 2010 they became involved in the solar PV
industry and that’s when Urban Renewables was formed.
Since then, Urban has installed over 2000 solar systems,
including some major council projects along the way.
Urban Renewables provides a different service from the
others. The quotation, installation and after sales
service is all provided directly from the owners of the
business - the qualified tradesman.
Today we have established a team of qualified personell
that can take on all projects, from the residential home
right through to large scale generators from 500kw-1Mw.
Whether it’s your home or business, Urban Renewables is
the name you can trust.